
Are you interested to share what you have for the Lord?

Devotionals, testimonies, artworks, poems or short stories? We Need Those!
  •  It doesn't need to be professionally or artistically made (well it's a plus factor), just give to us the best that you can do. THE BEST!
  • For any write ups, make sure it is well edited and grammatically polished.
  • It must contain valuable message, all rooted from God and His word (Bible)
  • Back up verses from the bible. *Use New International Version
  • Pray
  • For devotionals, testimonies, and short stories: ( 200-1000 words only)
Description: (optional)
Attach your file/s to the email indicated below. Use only .doc/.docx and pdf files. For images, use .jpeg format.

Send it to:

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
Colossians 3:23 

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